Sunday, June 3, 2007

Habakkuk the Embracer

The meaning of the name "Habakkuk" is derived from a Hebrew word which means "embrace" or "embracer". It seems in my mind that this is a name which fits him to a tee. He may have been a Levite engaged in the temple choir, and had a great concern for the direction his people were taking, away from God.
Let me quote here from the Criswell Study Bible. "Realizing Israel's iniquity and need for punishment, Habakkuk is perplexed with the moral dilemma of how a holy God could employ the more deplorably wicked Chaldeans to chastise His Children." I can understand his dilemma. In looking at God's holiness, though, I would have to say, that He is more concerned with His glory, than He is with how things may appear to us. To continue the quotation from Criswell - "God responds by asserting His sovereign prerogative as to the choice and the timing of His retribution. Though it may appear unreasonable, His way is best. Thus the prophet learns that to believe what God says and to heed His warning is to be numbered among the righteous who shall live by faith (2:4). Consequently, Habakkuk's theme is faith triumphant over apparent difficulties." Habakkuk was a prophet who had a heart for God's people, and a heart for God. That is after all what a prophet. He speaks with God about the people, their sins and problems. He speaks with the people of God, His Word, His way, and the direction of their lives.The prophecy of Habakkuk was a "burden", 'a heavy load', and that is due to the message contained here. The prophet prophesied near the beginning of the Babylonian exile. The people were going to face severe judgment. Habakkuk did understand that judgment was coming by God from an unholy source.
Are we, who are Christians, in the United States of America not also facing judgment from an unholy source?
Habakkuk was a prophet who cared, yet spoke the truth. Bless the Lord. May every pastor and preacher of God's Word, and the gospel do the same.

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