Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Wonderful Love of God

There are far too many times I have heard of people, even Christians, saying; "The God of the Old Testament is different from the God of the New Testament", or they say; "People of the Old Testament were saved differently than the people of the New Testament time." My usual response to that is; "That just isn't so".

In reading in the book of Genesis we find that "Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD". He did not earn his salvation it was by grace (Genesis 6:8). We find again in Genesis, "And he [Abram, ie., Abraham] believed in the LORD, and He accounted it to him for righteousness" (Genesis 15:6). That same phrase is used to assure us that Abraham was not saved by works but by grace in Romans 4:1-4.

In looking in the book of Jeremiah the prophet proclaims the love or our God and Savior:

"They say, 'if a man divorces his wife, and she goes from him and becomes another man's, may he return to her again?' Would not tht land be greatly polluted? But you have played the harlot with many lovers; 'Yet return to Me,' says the LORD." Jeremiah 3:1 (NKJV).

The prophet likens the people of Israel and Judah to a wife who has committed many adulteries, and abominations against her Husband who is God. According to law, Deuteronomy 24:1-04, it was an unclean act for a man to have his previously divorced, remarried, divorced and to take her back to himself. It was considered a defilement of the promised land. God, though, seeing the uncleanness of His people calls them to repent and return to Him. Despite the fact of their many acts of treachery, adultery and spiritual adultery, their murder of small children and elderly people; God says, "I still love you. Return to Me.'

That is the grace of God displayed in the Old Testament. Saved and restored by God's amazing and wonderful love and grace.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Rejected Helpers

There have been a few times that the Nation of Israel turned their backs on their God - YHWH, and in doing so committed harlotry against Him. Israel was the chosen wife of God, but they committed adultery against Him. God has not been pleased with them to say the least; when they committed this idolatrous act against Him.

In their sin they have taught their young to despise the prophets, to practice idolatry, at least those who were not burned in fires offered to Baal. The LORD used various forms of judgment against them to bring them back to Himself, but they would always fall back into their disobedience and immorality.

Hear the Word of the Lord:

"Why do you beautify your way to seek love? Therefore you have also taught the wicked women your ways. Also on your skirts is found the blood of the lives of the poor innocents. I have not found it by secret search, but plainly on all these things. yet you say, 'Because I am innocent, surely His anger shall turn from me.' Behold, I will plead My case against you, because you say, 'I have not sinned.' Why do you gad about so much to change your way? Also you shall be ashamed of Egypt as you were ashamed of Assyria. Indeed you will go forth from him with your hands on your head; for the LORD has rejected your trusted allies, and you will not prosper by them." Jeremiah 2:33-35 (NKJV).

There was such adultery in the land that God hated it. He hates divorce [putting away] (See Malachi 2:16), and He would hate the putting away of His people. He does everything to woo them back to Himself. He warns, He woos, He judges. The nation even made themselves look more appealing to the neighbors, when asking for their aid against the common enemy. This was their adultery. This was their turning away from the LORD, and this led to their actually offering their children in the fire to the Baals of false religions.

When God's people start to depende upon people, politics, power, and religion, then, they have forsaken the LORD God in favor of the favors of men.

When God says, "On your skirts is found the blood of the lives of the poor innocents." It seems that He would be referring to the lives of the children offered to the false religions in the fire. The blood of their innocent children are all over them, and cry out from the soil of the earth. God says, that it is plain to see. It is on your skirts. As one other prophet has said, "Be sure your sins will find you out" (Numbers 32:23).

One sad thing about this passage of Scripture is even though they have been caught in the act they deny their sin, and the responsibility of their actions, "I am innocent, I have not sinned". There can be no repentance when they cannot see that they have sinned against God and His Word. God says, "I will plead My case against you, because you say, 'I have not sinned.'" When God has a great love for His people, or an individual who is supposed to have a relationship with Him He will work to get them to the point of recognizing their guilt and sin. Why fuss and argue with God about your sin, just confess it and repent. That would be simpler, and much less complicated than arguing with God.

God assures His people that there is no prosperity to those who trust in foreign countries who will be their enemy, but you will leave "With your hands on your head", surely indicating their captivity in the form of surrender. Most of the time when a police officer captures a fleeing criminal they order them to place their hands on their heads. This is surrender. They give it up. Any allies Israel or Judah trusted in has came to nought, and so will the allies we depend on other than God. God rejects the helper, and also rejects those who were dependent upon the helpers. It is because they have rejected God.

Christian brother and/or sister our only help is the LORD God. When we put more confidence in people, power, politics, wealth, fame, or anything other than God we too commit an act of adultery against God. God will also reject our helpers.